Tuesday 8 January 2008

5 Steps to Get Top 10 Website Search Engine Rank

1. Step One: Select right keyword for web SEO Optimization.
  • You must choose your keywords carefully. This is the most important step of the SEO. Wrong or ineffective keywords mean invalid keyword optimization. You should find popular keywords and phrases related to your business, then know search popularity and competition number of every keywords. The keywords with more popularity and less competition will be your targeted keyword phrases.
2. Step Two: Optimize your website ranking factors.

  • Once you have finished keyword analysis and selected specified keywords, you should optimize your web site to improve search engine position. The important ranking factors including website title tags, description tags, meta keyword tags, heading text, link url, link text, image alt, comment and web page body text.
  • Every keyword frequency, weight, size, prominence and proximity all affect the ranking. You should optimize all these factors carefully. The top 10 ranking website content and ranking factors will give your more help.
3. Step Three: Submit url to search engines directories.

  • After search engine optimization page design, Submiting all your web sites to Google, Yahoo, MSN, DMOZ and the other major engines. Manual free submit url is recommend. At
  • http://www.websitepromotionsoft.com/submit-url-free.html you can find top 588 search engine list with homepage, submit url address, alexa rank, google page rank, google inbound links and google including site pages.
4 .Step Four: Link Exchange and Manager.

  • Link popularity is the total number of websites that link to your web site, and is an extremely important method of improving your site's relevancy and position as many engines are using
  • this information as a ranking criterion. Both the quantity and quality of link popularity is important. The best links are "relevant" links from web pages related to your keyword or topic.
5. Step Five: Monitoring and ReOptimizing.

  • Often checking your website search engine position of your targeted keywords, if not satisfied with optimization ranking results, you should do more SEO to achieve higher search engines ranking position.

3 Freebies That Guarantees Constant Traffic

In 1931, Ted and Dorothy Hustead decided to move to a town that had four things; a good school, a Catholic Church, a doctor and an opportunity.

They wanted to open their own pharmacy.

They eventually chose Wall, South Dakota, as the perfect location. To others, however, Wall seemed to be in the middle of nowhere - somewhere between the Black Hills and the Badlands.

The first year was a tough one - thick dust, intense heat, and strong winds.

In their desire to move on to a more welcoming place, tired, throat - perched travellers rarely stopped. Then, Ted and Dorothy came up with an idea.

They made a sign that read: Free Ice Water At Wall DrugStore.

The sign became something of a novelty. They made more sighs and put them farther and
farther from Wall - eventually, as far as other countries of the world.

All druggists, of course made "free" ice water available for their customers. Nobody
however, had thought of advertising the luxury.

Eventually, some 4000 to 6000 customers a day stopped at Wall DrugStore.

Josh Billings remarked, "Common Sense is instinct and enough of it is genius.

"When it comes to attracting traffic, everybody has ideas BUT it all seem not to

I was almost ready to quit when I found a blend of strategies that work. Top Internet
marketers use it to achieve tons of results, brand their names all over the Internet,
explode sales and achieve record breaking list size in minimum time with little or
absolutely nothing spent.

It is all captured in the word FREE and truthfully, if you have nothing FREE working
hard for you out there, it is time to get down to work and get up with one!

Here are 3 easy to implement freebies you can start with right now.

1. Give Out A Collection Of Free eBooks.

Go around the web and harvest a collection of free ebooks, then give it away for free on your website in exchange for people doing something e.g. signing up for your newsletter.

2. Write Articles and Give It Away Free.

I wrote 2 articles last year and got 700+ subscribers from it without lifting a finger after submitting it to a few article submission sites.

It is surprising to note that my list still grows today as a result of those articles.

3. Pull Your Articles Into A Report and Give Away Reprint Rights To it Free.

This sounds insane but if you are smart, it can make you a success overnight.

All you need to do is bury your other programmes in the middle of your ebook and
"wham," you start getting dangerous results.